Thấy mọi người trên forum quan tâm nhiều đến các chủ đề về astrophysics như lỗ đen, vật chất tối, big bang... nhưng nhiều bạn thiếu các kiến thức cơ bản để có thể hiểu được bản chất của vấn đề. Mình lập topic tập hợp các bài giảng của các GS tại các trường ĐH nổi tiếng giảng về đề tài astrophysics để chúng ta học tập.

Rất mong các bạn cung đóng góp tim kiếm để chúng ta có được một tập hợp các bài giảng hay.

1. Các bài giảng của GS Charles Bailyn (Yale University) về astrophysics
Frontiers and Controversies in Astrophysics with Professor Charles Bailyn

a. Introduction to Black Holes
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn. In introducing black holes, Professor Bailyn offers a definition, talks about how their existence is detected, and explains why (unlike in the case with exoplanets where Newtonian physics was applied) Einstein's Theory of Relativity is now required when studying black holes. The concepts of escape and circular velocity are introduced. A number of problems are worked out and students learn how to calculate an object's escape velocity. A historical overview is offered of our understanding and discovery of black holes in the context of stellar evolution.
Thời lượng: 44m

b. Hubble's Law and the Big Bang
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn. In this lecture, a brief history of how cosmology developed into a scientific subject is offered. The discovery of dark energy, along with dark matter, played a crucial role in the development of cosmology. The lecture then discusses the discovery of spiral nebulae in 1920, as well as the "Great Debate" over what they were. Hubble's famous redshift diagram is presented as the basis for Hubble's Constant and Big Bang cosmology. The difficulty of measuring distance of objects in space, and how to do it using the parallax method and the standard candle method, are discussed. Measure brightness using the magnitude scale is explained. Class ends with a review of logarithms.
Thời lượng: 51m
Link: h

c. Tests of Relativity
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn.
Thời lượng: 45m

d. Our Solar System and the Pluto Problem
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn.
Thời lượng: 46m

e. Dark Matter
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn. This lecture introduces an important concept related to the past and future of the universe: the Scale factor, which is a function of time. With reference to a graph whose coordinates are the Scale factor and time, the problem of dark matter is addressed again. Cosmological redshifts are measured to determine the scale of the universe. The discovery of the repulsive, anti-gravitational force of dark energy is explained. The lecture concludes with discussion of Einstein's biggest mistake: the invention of the cosmological constant to balance gravity.
Thời lượng: 50m

f. Frontiers & Controversies in Astrophysics: Lecture 1: Introduction
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn.
Thời lượng: 46m

g. Frontiers & Controversies in Astrophysics: Lecture 2: Planetary Orbits
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn.
Thời lượng: 51m

h. Frontiers & Controversies in Astrophysics: Lecture 12: Stellar Mass Black Holes
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn.
Thời lượng: 50m

i. Frontiers & Controversies in Astrophysics: Lecture 14: Pulsars
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn.
Thời lượng: 49m

j. Frontiers & Controversies in Astrophysics: Lecture 15: Supermassive Black Holes
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn.
Thời lượng: 48m

k. Frontiers & Controversies in Astrophysics: Lecture 23: Cosmic MicrowaveBackgroun
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn.
Thời lượng: 47m

l. Frontiers & Controversies in Astrophysics: Lecture 24: Multiverse & Everything
Mô tả: Yale University Astronomy lecture by Professor Charles Bailyn.
Thời lượng: 47m

.........Symmetry HAAC.......